in certain circumstances. They have the same right to defend themselves as anyone else.
That does not mean they have the right to kill people contrary to law, but that's a whole different question.
It's not that it's "OK" but more a matter of there not being any way to make them stop.
Not as long as there are people like Tucker Carlson, Greg Abbott, and Donald Trump
around to keep it going, the civil war has already started but most people
don't realize yet that's what they are looking at.
Tucker Carlson's call to call the police on anyone who wears a mask in public
or otherwise attack people who wear masks or attempt to socially distance in public places. Abbott removing the requirement for hand gun license and all other means of
tracing gun related crimes as preparation for the big shootout mass shootings of Democrats. there is ultra vengeful Donald Trump who has already collected data on
where all the Democrats in the United States live, all of their homes. also has a copy of the data showing the location of all the homes of all
of the Democrats who are registered to vote. First the attack on the Capital
then the preparations laid out in advance for the big home invasion shoot out
to be carried out by the Alt-Right with Russia assisting with real time strategy
through encrypted smart phone apps used to communicate in an untraceable way.
This civil war is about to get way more ugly much sooner than you think...
Then of course hired vigilante "soldiers" and corrupt cops have to be paid
in an untraceable manner through the use of bitcoin type currency.
Thus the sudden push in popularity of the bitcoin type platform by Greyscale.