Post by cooly44 on Nov 22, 2024 18:12:14 GMT
I still think it was the mafia.
Post by Mulder and Scully on Nov 22, 2024 19:44:48 GMT
Post by cooly44 on Nov 22, 2024 21:38:48 GMT
Post by Vassaggo on Nov 22, 2024 23:11:37 GMT
I'm going with Lee Oswald only fired 2 shots one that ricocheted off the cement the other was the neck shot. There were 3 shots and Three casings found in Oswald sniper nest. The third round casing found at his nest was bent and old though. That was a homemade chamber plug. It's not recommended to do as it will cause some corrosion in the chamber. Now it may take years to cause in damage and it wouldn't cause iny if you regularly use the rifle and oil it. Some of the old hunters that I hunted with with my Grandfather still did it though. it's an extra safety measure. Those that did it that I knew, were old timer military of the ww2 variety. The first shot that ricochet we can't tell if it was jacketed or frangible but the neck shot was jacketed. A piecing round that went through one person and penetrated another. The head shot seems to be a frangible style ammo.
That leaves the question where did the 3 shot come from. The infamous head shot... I think it was an accidental firing of the SS Hickey Jr. He was a rookie SS agent who was put on the duty because the Senior SS agents went out drinking the night before and didn't come in until around 3am. Hickey was young, inexperienced as a whole, and was unfamiliar with the new AR-15 that the SS just started using. He was in the car behind JFK. The first shot that ricochet got his attention. He turned his head while grabbing the gun. He has the Gun up looking at 6th floor. He removed safety. Oswald takes second shot hitting JFK in the neck (which would've most likely killed him anyways). The following car speeds up. Hickey not standing on the floor but half on the seat falls backwards. When he falls backwards he pulls the trigger and hits JFK in the back of the head. The AR-15 Hickey Jr. had used frangible style bullets.
Also I don't think JFK was the main target, I think he was either collateral damage or just bonus points for Oswald. Oswald's 2 main antagonists in his fucked up brain was Governor Connally and Edwin Walker. In fact if not for a window sill Walker would've been killed by Oswald a few months before JFK. He took a shot and the window sill deflected the bullet just enough for it to russle Walker's hair. In some of Oswalds scribblings he had Connally's name with daggers and blood dripping beside it.
And the magic bullet theory is bullshit. The people that said the bullets had to move in mid air to hit JFK and Connally didn't take into account that Connaly was in a middle jump seat that lowered him and moved him lateral. When you put Connally in that position the trajectory lines up.
Also the back and to the left nonsense perpetuated by JFK movie is also bullshit. Because the Head is basically an water filled hollow but sealed bucket of water and something the consistency of corn mash floating in it the reaction to damage maybe counter intuitive. First the neck injury caused a Fencing Response that made him automatically raise hands to his throat and locked his muscles into place. Then the second round hit fromt he back.. he only moves a little forward as his muscles were locked. The the bullet escapes his head the pressure of the fluid and brain escaping from the front of his head pushes his head back and leftward.
In the end I think it was nothing more than a wife beating asshole with antisocial personality disorder with Personal Grandeur Complex that was frustrated that life wasn't handed to him. He wanted to make a mark instead of hitting his targets (Connelley at the motorcade and Walker months before) he semi accidently hit JFK. I think he wanted him too but not the main one. And basically a work place accident because of Hangovers put a Newb in charge of a new weapons system he was unfamiliar with. (Again the neck shot was probably fatal). Which makes this situation so unjust, unfair, and shows how uncaring, pointless and absurd the universe is. That a nobody pissant wife beater and a rookie Agent could take out the leader of the free world. If you weighed the 3 people Jfk on one side and Hickey Jr and Oswald on the other of a cosmic scale they don't even out. JFK dying changed history. LBJ ruling over Vietnam alone is one thing that has massive historical significance. It doesn't compute in our minds that the world and universe is that fucking random and absurd, so we have to build it up and make the scales even out more. In response we have to build up more of a story with bigger antagonists in our minds. When reality is it was just a nobody pissed off that he was a nobody and a work place accident that changed the course of history in small and large ways.
Post by cooly44 on Nov 22, 2024 23:15:35 GMT
LBJ, who destroyed the black community.
Post by slowcomingwarbird on Nov 22, 2024 23:48:18 GMT
I still think it was the mafia. You sure got that right, a mafia that is still large and in charge in both Dallas and Fort Worth, just as much as they ever were.